Every year it feels like the same time we start packing away our Christmas trees and ornaments we start pulling out our Kleenex boxes, cough drops, and hand sanitizer. There’s nothing more soothing than a steaming bowl of chicken noodle soup on those under the weather days. Research tells us that nearly twenty percent of children in Portage and Summit County struggle with food insecurity. With this in mind, our team at Belli and Streit Orthodontics is planning to donate cases of Campbell’s soup to the local food bank.
We want your help. Each time you visit our office during the month of January, we ask that you check-in on our Facebook page. At the end of the month, we will count the number of check-ins and Belli and Streit Orthodontics will donate that number of soup cans! Our initial goal is set for 200, but our patients and families will determine what the final number will be.
Let’s do something really good for our community and get through this winter together, one spoonful of soup at a time.